While I obviously like books, I prefer getting research from academic journals, newspapers, etc. They usually keep things more to the point, do less over-summarization, and make it easier to get more up-to-date info. There is also a nice range of short summaries for jumping-off points, or in-depth studies with lots of clinical results.
I have a big batch of articles I read before I left for London, but I still need to find where I put those pdfs on my computer to provide that info here.
But anyway, here is round two! I am not going to link to the actual pdfs cause I got them through my school's electronic library so I don't think that'd be quite kosher, but if anyone is interested in reading any, email me (kailesmith@gmail.com) and I will gladly send you whatever you want to read...
Art in Its Experience: Can Empirical Psychology Help Assess Artistic Value?
Rolf Reber
LEONARDO, Vol. 41, 2008
The Mind's EyeSteve Herman
Global Cosmetic Industry, Mar 2005
Seeing without Objects: Visual Indeterminacy and Art
Robert Pepperell
LEONARDO, Vol. 39, 2006
Drawn to a primitive urge: ARTGabriella Coslovich
The Age, Jan 2008
In search of the big picture: Can neuroscientists help us understand how and why we appreciate art?
John Hyman
New Scientist, Aug 2006
Science, Trying to Pick Our Brains About ArtBlake Gopnik
The Washington Post, Jan 2004
Measuring the beautiful brain: To what extent do works of art
unconsciously imitate the workings of the mind
Roger Highfield
The Daily Telegraph, Nov 2007
Abstraction and idealism: From Plato to Einstein: how do we acquire knowledge?
Prof. Semir Zeki
Nature, Apr 2000
Artistic Creativity and the Brain Prof. Semir Zeki
The International Journal of Humanities and Peace, 2005
The mind in pictures: perceptual strategies and the interpretation of visual art.
Mark Rollins
The Monist, Oct 2003
Blinded By Blindsight?Prof. Semir Zeki
The Times Higher Education Supplement, Mar 2002
Seeing Invisible Motion: A Human fMRI Study
Konstantinos Moutoussis and Semir Zeki
Current Biology 16, Mar 2006
Effect of Background Colors on the Tuning of Color-Selective Cells in Monkey Area V4Makoto Kusunoki, Konstantinos Moutoussis, and Semir Zeki
J Neurophysiology, Vol 95, May 2006
The Neurology of AmbiguitySemir Zeki
Consciousness and Cognition 13, 2004
Creativity Versus Skepticism within Science:V.S. Ramachandran
Skeptical Inquirer, Nov 2006
Evolutionary Neurobiology and AestheticsC. U. M. Smith
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, vol 48, 2005